Brief: To put it mildly, this summer the stability in Bulgaria was shaken — political turmoil coinciding with a global pandemic.
German brand fritz-kola, known for its history of backing the democratic process was to show support. Our task was to make it in a strategic and meaningful way.
Idea: For many, the end of the workday means hiding in a bubble. Very often at alternative bars, where fritz-kola is positioned. Now that’s a good opportunity to wake people up after 6:00 pm
Execution: We launched the campaign with by telling people it is ok to be in a bubble as long as you care.
To make it clear that it is time to wake up and stay awake we filmed a short manifesto taking spectators on a journey through the years of Bulgaria’s transition period and protests.
Further, we built an interactive map leading people from the bars to protest hotspots and we made available downloadable posters with messages.
The short film got 165 715 impressions and our social media activity reached over 50 000 people.
The campaign proved to speak to a wide audience by reaching international and Bulgarian media.
Serious local attention and recognition came from both digital and physical media like podcast “internet talks” and “manager” magazine with no extra media spending whatsoever.