Brief & Background
The Bulgarian market is literally flooded (pun never intended) with spring water brands. The general trend is for every single one of them to represent the place where it’s been sourced from.
Our client — Velingrad spring water — was no exception to that rule and yet it was. Sourced from the heart of the magical Rhodope mountains, it certainly does not get any purer than that.
The task at hand here was how to properly bring the purity of nature closer to the people while differentiating from the rest in the process?
Insight & Idea
It is well documented at this point that water literally has memory. Information that previously belonged almost exclusively to the esoteric realm is now a widely accepted truth.
Everything that has memory can tell its stories. What’s more, something as divine as water herself can reflect on its own essence through some philosophical ruminations.
Something else collectively agreed upon, that we used to our advantage, was the parallel game between archetypical human behavior and the animal kingdom.
You know — the vigilant eagle, the opportunistic fox, the ferocious wolf, the kind deer.
We gave both — the water and the enchanting wildlife of the Rhodope — a human voice.
After all, human words are the only form of communication that humans would fully understand.
And when the words come from animals that we associate with certain human traits anyway — we come even a step closer to such a thing as ‘relatability’.
At the same time, words are perfectly capable of touching us on a much deeper level. This, we reserved for water herself and her purified poetry.
In short — engagement on Velingrad’s Facebook page skyrocketed. During June 2020, as much as 20% out of all the page’s fans interacted with the posts.
As it turned out, ‘genuinely reconnecting with nature’ proved being more than the main takeaway in a brainstorming memo.
Innocence is bliss. Ignorance is our own doing, yet not that time around.
creative director: аngel iskrev
creative lead: matthew stoyanov
junior copywriter: asya maradzhiyska
junior copywriter: tsvetoslav tsonev — tsuro
junior graphic designer: andriana petkova
head of strategy: presyian kirilov
strategist: kristiyan stefanov
account executive: sanya stefanova
chief moral booster: cherry the doggo.
producer: pudding
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