Next Stop: Art. Transforming the urban landscape into an art fest
“Next stop: ART” is a project proof. had collaborated on with Visionary Foundation. If this is the first time you’re encountering Visionary, then it is a good opportunity to get familiar with their work and their cause. In a nutshell, the foundation is relentless in its determination to rejuvenate the city landscape by means of unconstrained creativity in all forms.
We were well aware of their mission when they approached us, since we have been keen supporters of it for some time, and we were really excited that we would get to actually participate this time around. We were more than ready to spread the art virus further and wider — so yes — safe to say that ‘’Next Stop: Art’’ was a true pleasure to work on. Now that we did our best to give you some brief background, let us tell you a bit more about the core purpose of the project.
The idea behind it was to bring contemporary art out to the public when and where they would least expects. It was quite an intuitive concept really, given what contemporary art is all about — both the medium and the message.
‘Okay, you have already kinda told us what Visionary is all about, and we know what contemporary art is all about, thank you very much. But how is the project different from any other street art performance?’’
Well, here’s the twist: We wanted to bring contemporary art out on the streets IN REAL TIME and in quite a guerrilla manner. No prior notice. Just a takeover. It is a no secret that since the explosion of social media, it is there where we consume most art in any form, so it tends to gain just a micro portion of our attention. Plus we often remain oblivious to what is standing right in front of us anyway. We are either huffing or puffing our way through the busy day, and then we succumb to the Instagram loop to tickle our eyes (and egos) as a reward. But either way we fail to pay closer attention to the magic that surrounds us. Yet, the magic remains and it was time for it to manifest itself in the midst of the most dull and ordinary routine scenarios. A great example of the latter? The bus stops you’re waiting at every day.
What we had in store for the waiting people were 4 different performances from 4 various fields of art– literature, music, acting and contemporary dance — matched differently every time. Then, we chose 4 central bus stops along during the busiest time slots and we sent the selected artists on a mission to steal a bit of a time and attention in exchange for live performances. See how it all rolled out below:
Artist crew:
Albena Limoni — visual arts
Avgustina-Kalina Petkova and Rosen Karamfilov — literature
Georgi Marinov — Horhe — music (dijeridou | bagpipe)
Kalina Georgieva — contemporary dance
Director of Photography: Rashko Rakov
2nd Camera: Biser Dzhonev
Edit: Rashko Rakov
Sound Design: Boris Nenov
Sound: Mario Balabanov
Project concept: proof.
Project management and curation: Visionary Foundation
Photographer: Mihaela Draganova
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